

    Welcome to Engineering & Design!

    Engineering is the means by which humans solve problems, fill needs, and create new products and procedures. Technology is every process or innovation that humans have or will have designed, invented, or constructed to solve a problem or fill a need.


  • Engineering & Design Mission Statement

    The mission of the Blaine County Engineering Technology Curriculum is to empower students to become effective problem solvers, collaborators, innovators and communicators. Through standards based projects, Blaine County students will investigate the nature of technology, technology’s impact on society, the design process, and abilities of a technologically designed world.

    Embedded within these projects, students will apply science, technology, engineering, mathematics and the following 21st Century skills.

    Learning and innovation skills

                • Creativity and innovation

                • Critical thinking and problem solving

                • Communication and collaboration

    Life and Career skills

                • Flexibility and adaptability

                • Initiative and self-direction

                • Social and Cross Cultural Skills

                • Productivity and accountability


    Alturas Engineering & Design:

    Each week students are asked to solve a problem using the engineering & design process.  The design process is identifying a problem, researching, designing, building, testing their design, and then, either presenting their design or redesigning if necessary.  Each problem will focus on a type of engineering that is applicable in the real world.  Throughout the year, we learn and problem solve like structural, mechanical, biomedical, electrical, environmental, civil, and aeronautical engineers.  Each unit is repeated in each grade every year with a more challenging problem, so each student will leave their elementary education with a strong understanding of the types of engineering and the many significant problems they solve to beneficially shape our world.  Students also have the opportunity to work independently and with teams throughout the year to develop strong skills in collaboration and communication.  In addition to all this amazing learning, we always have fun!!  I am thrilled to be the engineering teacher and greatly enjoy learning with all the Alturas' students!

  • Alturas
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