- Blaine County School District
- Student Links
Students & Parents
Page Navigation
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- Schools Can't Do It Alone
Student Links
Welcome to the Blaine County School District's student resource page. Here are a few quick links to make it easier for you to access online applications and resources.
- How to Eat Healthy: A Beginner’s Guide - WellnessVerge
- Sora Digital Library (Electronic Books aka Overdrive)
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Bedford, Freeman, Worth (AP Economics, Psychology)
- Big Ideas Math
- Brain Pop (Wood River Middle School)
- McGraw-Hill ConnectEd (Wonders, Glencoe Physical Science & Applying Life Skills)
- Edify Assessment Platform
- Passport & MATHiaFlex (French T'es Branche)
- FastBridge Learning
- Foss Web (Science K-8)
- Handwriting without Tears
- HMH Collections (Language Arts 6-12 Sign in with Google)
- HMH Social Studies
- HMH (Bien dit! and Avancemos)
- Imagine Literacy (Language and Literature)
- Imagine Math (Imagine Learning Math - Grade 3 - Geometry)
- iReady Math (iReady and Ready Math K-8)
- iStation (Reading and Math K-5)
- LadyBoss (health, fitness and nutrition games for students)
- Learning.com (Digital Literacy and Keyboarding K-8)
- Local Scholarships
- Newsela (Sign in with Google)
- PowerSchool
- Raz-Kids
- Renaissance Place (AR Accelerated Reader, STAR Assessment)
- Ripple Effects (SCHS Social Emotional Learning)
- Seesaw (Learning platform for grade PK-2)
- Scholastic Read 180, System 44, Math 180 and Do the Math)
- Schoology (BCSD Learning Management System)
- TCI Social Studies
- Typing.com (Sign in with Google)
- Wayside (Spanish Entre Culturas)
- Whooo's reading (Sign in with Clever)
Local Libraries
Please see your school librarian for user name and password.
- LiLI: LILI (Libraries Linking Idaho) is your link to top quality articles, magazines, professional journals, newspapers, reference books and more. It is a FREE service to all Idaho residents and is a project of the Idaho Commission for Libraries.
- NoveList: Find fiction reading recommendations for all ages. Search by book title, author, genre, or key plot points. Find information about a book series and discussion guides for book groups.
- Searchasaurus: This is an exciting and easy way for young researchers in elementary grades to experience online searching.
- Newspaper Source Plus: Full text coverage of major newspapers, videos, and podcasts covering critical news topics.
- WorldCat: A catalog of books held by libraries locally, regionally, and worldwide.
- World Book Online: Online access tools including World Book Student and Advanced Encyclopedias, World Book Kids, Spanish Language Encyclopedia, an atlas, a dictionary, and a special Explore Idaho component.
Reference Websites
- Library of Congress (The Library of Congress preserves a collection of nearly 121,000,000 items, more than two-thirds of which are in media other than books. These include the largest map, film and television collections in the world.)
- InfoPlease
- www.RefDesk.com
Citing Sources
Free Software
Microsoft provides teachers and students Office 365 Education which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote for FREE! Go to this webpage and sign up with your email address.