- Alturas Elementary
- Programs
All programs used in our reading program are research-based intervention programs approved by the State Department of Education. We are committed to using only the best and proven methods to teach reading. In order to develop a balanced approach to literacy instruction, we choose from a variety of programs in order to meet the specific needs of each student .
Lindamood Bell
Reading specialists are trained in using the Lindamood-Bell intensive reading intervention program. This program focuses on teaching students how to decode new and unfamiliar words using visual memory training. A key component of this program is to follow specific steps to help our students develop their sensory-cognitive skills to the point of self-monitoring, self-correction and, ultimately, independence. We use the Lindamood Bell program primarily for students who are struggling with the beginning stages of reading (phonemic awareness and phonics).
A student working on 'sight words'.Read Naturally
Read Naturally is a supplemental intervention program designed to build fluency through teacher modeling, repeated reading and progress monitoring. Using audio support and graphs of their progress, students work through high-interest material at their own skill level. Repeated reading is a strategy that research has shown improves fluency. Mastering a story helps students build fluency and comprehension skills. Fluency is the ability to read smoothly and evenly without pausing to figure out new words, in order to focus on comprehension.
Students using Read Naturally develop a sense of independence and autonomy by choosing their own stories, taking the time they need to master a story, and progressing through reading levels at their own pace. This approach allows them to take ownership of their learning and responsibility for their success.
Teachers help monitor students using the Read Naturally program.Soar to Success (Comprehension/Writing)
As students learn to read, their focus changes from figuring out new words (decoding) to comprehending what they are reading. The Soar to Success program uses non-fiction and fiction stories to accelerate students' reading abilities through the instruction of comprehension strategies. along with a strong writing component to help students develop their comprehension skills. Comprehension strategies taught through writing include:
- Predict: Use clues to make a guess about what might happen or what you will learn.
- Question : Ask a question that can be answered from what you have read.
- Clarify : Make clear the pronunciation or meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, paragraph or passage.
- Summarize : Tell in your own words the important events or points you have read.
Research shows reading and writing helps improve overall comprehension.Early Reading Intervention/SPIRE
These two programs focus on phonemic awareness, decoding skills and applying reading skills within contextual reading. A systematic approach to skill building along with daily practice applying these skills in highly engaging text proves to be a successful combination for students in the early stages of reading (K-3).