•   Community Foundation for the Fox Valley RegionScholarships - Community  Foundation for the Fox Valley Region     apply now button | Student Center for Social Justice & Identity |  Vanderbilt University



    A program for Blaine County senior students only. Scholarships are funded by the community. The 2024 program runs from January 16 - March 15, 2024. 

    Most scholarships utilize the Blaine County Local Scholarship Application, but some do not. See details in scholarships for more information on how to apply to the few with different application platforms. 

    Scholarships range from $250 - $10,000, some repeat and some do not


    1. Review scholarships and note the ones you qualify for

    2. Make your Local Scholarship Application account - see email invite from "Local Scholarship Program" on January 16th - and follow prompts

    3. Once you complete the "Scholarship Selection" task within your application, additional tasks will be applied based on your selections.  

    4. Complete & submit all elements of your application by the deadline

    Standard requirements / tasks for all scholarships

    • Scholarship selection

    • Standard application

    • One letter of recommendation from a teacher


    Questions / comments / concerns about the scholarship application? Contact Liz Clark for assistance.