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Social Media and Internet Safety for Children
The Blaine County School District will present informational meetings for parents on social media and internet safety for children on October 18 and 19. The information will be repeated during two different meetings in two locations for the convenience of parents with varied schedules. All parents from all schools in Blaine County are encouraged to attend.
The meetings will be held on Wednesday, October 18 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the Queen of the Hills Room, Community Campus, Hailey, and Thursday, October 19, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. at the Roy Hunt Community Room, Wood River Community YMCA, Ketchum. Both events are free of charge. The event at the Wood River YMCA is co-sponsored by the Roy A. Hunt Foundation and the Blaine County School District.
The presenter is Victor Dominguez, who serves as the Chairman of the Idaho Internet Crimes Against Children Coalition (IICACC). Dominguez is a retired a 21 year veteran police officer with the Anaheim, CA Police Department and both the original Chairman and charter member of the IICACC Board of Directors since 2013. The Coalition works closely with both the Boise Police Department as well as with the State Attorney General's Internet Crimes Task Force.
The presentation will include information on bullying and sexting, as well as child pornography and enticement by internet child predators. Parents will learn how to protect their children by becoming familiar with the apps on their devices as well as software solutions which monitor their children’s activity. Dominguez writes, “The first line of defense will always be informed and knowledgeable parents and guardians.”