• Female Bus DriverBus Rules

    The Transportation Department staff would like to provide the following information for the parents of students who use school bus service during the year. Our goal is to provide a safe and timely service to students to help improve their educational day.

    Students are expected to follow acceptable behaviors while waiting for or riding the bus. Our continuing goal is to reduce the number of safety hazards on the bus. Students create safety hazards by distracting the driver and thus endangering the lives of other bus riders. By reducing the number of safety hazards, your student will be able to ride the bus in the safest environment possible.

    We believe in teaching children to respect the rights of others through responsible thinking. When students follow the behavior expectations, everyone receives the reward of safe transportation. All students have the responsibility to help maintain a safe transportation system and are expected to follow the bus behavior guidelines.


    Common Expectations for Bus Behavior

    • Maintain a safe environment on the bus
      • Board the bus, take your assigned seat, and stay seated.
      • Keep hands and feet to yourself.
      • Keep all hands, feet, and objects inside the bus.
    • Follow the direction of the Bus Driver at all times
      • Treat the bus driver and passengers just like you would your teacher and classmates.
    • All school rules apply to riding the bus, including:
      • No eating on the bus. (This could cause other students to have an allergic reaction.)
      • Drink water only.
      • Use appropriate language.
      • Use earbuds or headphones if using a device that makes noise.

    Expectaciones del Comportamiento en el autobús 

    • Mantener un ambiente seguro en el autobús

          *  Subete en el autobús, toma tu asiento tu asiento asignado, y mantente sentado. 

                      *  mantén tus pies y manos contigo

                      *  Manten tus manos, pies y objetos dentro del autobús.

    • Sigue las órdenes del conductor del autobús todo el tiempo

                     * Trara al conductor del autobús y a los pasajeros, así como lo haces con tus                   

                        maestras y compañeros.   

    • Todas las reglas de la escuela aplicas cuando van en el autobús, incluyendo: 

                *   No comida en el autobús, (esto puede causar daño á los estudiantes que tienen   

                    alergias alimentarias.

                 *  Tomar agua solamente

                 *  Usar el lenguaje apropiado.

                 *  Usar auriculares, audífonos si está usando un dispositivo que hace ruido. 



    For More Information:

    Please refer to Blaine County School District Policy 730 for discipline measures.
    If you have any questions or comments, please call the Transportation Department at 578-5420.