- Blaine County School District
- Data & Assessment
- State and District Assessments
State and District Assessments
Assessment and Accountability Data is available here
Idaho State Required Assessments
ISAT English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics Grades 3-8 and 11
ISAT is based on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium assessment which was designed to measure how well students are performing on the Idaho Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. This assessment moves away from simple multiple-choice measures of skills to a more rigorous design which includes fill-in the blank, multiple responses (check all the correct answers), and short essays.
ISAT Science Grades 5, 8, and 11
The ISAT Science assessment is composed of items that address standards, goals, and objectives for grades 5, 8, and 11. The goals and objectives for each grade are distributed among five reporting categories: Nature of Science, Physical Science, Biology, Earth and Space Systems, and Personal and Social Perspectives; Technology.
- Idaho ISAT Science Website
- Understanding Student Score Reports English Español
IRI - Idaho Reading Indicator
The IRI is a benchmark reading test given to all students in kindergarten through third grade in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. The IRI is administered through the computer-adaptive Istation ISIP Reading assessment. It assesses 5 critical domains: phonemic awareness, alphabetic knowledge, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension with appropriate subtests at each grade level. As a formative assessment, it provides information to teachers and students on individual student needs.
IELA by ACCESS 2.0 - Idaho English Language Assessment
The Idaho English Language Proficiency Assessment is administered annually each spring to determine growth and proficiency for English learners (ELs). Idaho became a member of the WIDA Consortium in 2015, and the WIDA ACCESS 2.0 assessment is the current assessment. These students receive English as a second language services to help them develop the language skills necessary to succeed in school and after they graduate.
Alternate Assessments
Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for whom the general assessments (listed above) are not appropriate take alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards.
Blaine County School District Assessments
Screener Assessments
These assessments are done three times a year (Fall, Winter and Spring). This allows teachers to evaluate student growth and to make mid-year adjustments.
- Kindergarten thru 3rd grade take the Istation ISIP Reading assessment and ISIP Math assessment.
- Students in grades 6 through 9 take the STAR Reading and STAR Math assessments.
- Students 3-11th will take ISAT interim tests to measure progress and growth.
Dual Immersion Assessments
- AAPPL: Assessment of Spanish proficiency; DI students in grades 3 - 5 and world language learners in 8th grade.
Common Summative
Summative exams are standards-based assessments that include the knowledge and skills associated with a student's specific class. This allows staff to make certain their grading and standards are consistent and fair from one school year to the next and between schools. This helps to assure that the same high quality education is being provided across the District and over time.