Our Mission

  • Our Mission

    Bellevue Elementary School is a thoughtful place where in partnership with parents, staff and community, children will care about others, develop their abilities, and move towards reaching their potential for a full, rich life.


    Our Collective Commitments

    -Students strive for quality, meet or exceed standards, and become life-long learners. 

    -Teachers diversify the way they teach and connect with each student and his/her individual needs.

    -Teachers teach the Districts' curriculum to all of our students.

    -Our total staff expands each students ability to communicate through reading, writing, speaking, listening, mathematics, and the arts.

    -Our school community works together, practices mutual respect, and provides a safe environment where development assets can be acquired.

    -Our parents and community actively participate in every student's success.


    Our Bill of Rights

    Everyone has the right to be valued and respected

    Everyone has the right to be safe

    Everyone has the right to learn


    Our Core Values







    These documents are reviewed frequently and guides the actions of our Bellevue Elementary School teams.