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Early Childhood Special Education Preschool Program
Welcome to ECSE!
The greatest discoveries all start with the question, "Why?"
- Dr. Robert D. Ballard -
Teacher: Amy JonasThe Early Childhood Special Education Preschool Program follows a transdisciplinary play-based approach to child development and learning which allows our classroom to be mostly child-led. We embed learning opportunities throughout our environment. We are building foundations in interpersonal relationships, self-confidence, academics, language development, comprehension, body awareness and movement.
The ECSE Preschool Program serves children with developmental needs; other typically developing children are also included in this setting. Children enrolled in the ECSE Preschool Program have a wide range of abilities and needs. Their ages are 3-5. They must meet Idaho eligibility requirements for special education and must reside in the Blaine County School District. If you have questions about the program for your child, please contact Sarahlee Ziesing to discuss the child find process at 208-578-5007.
Special Education is a state and federally funded program to serve children with identified disabilities. Parents and qualified professionals work together to identify the child's educationally related program needs and strengths. All eligible children have a right to a free, appropriate preschool education with related services.
- Hailey Elementary
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- Amy Jonas