- Hailey Elementary
- Preschool
Welcome to Preschool!
The greatest discoveries all start with the question, "Why?
Dr. Robert D. Ballard
Teacher: Mrs. BrownCreating a World of Play: What Children Are Learning
The purpose of the preschool program is to provide opportunities for each child to grow emotionally, physically, intellectually, and socially. Each day, children will engage in a variety of learning activities. Intentionally organized learning experiences are planned that will build self-esteem, challenge children's thinking and reasoning skills, encourage healthy relationships with peers and staff, and explore various curriculum topics. Children will spend time in self-directed learning centers that include blocks, dramatic play, math and manipulative, art, discovery, computers, sand and water table (sensory), and literacy centers. The following list highlights what children will be learning at each interest area.
- Spatial Relationships
- Shape, Color, and Size Discrimination
- Cause and Effect
- Cooperation
- Balance and Hand Eye Coordination
- Organization and Sequential Skills
- Problem-Solving, Design, and Construction Skills
- Quantity and Number Concepts
Dramatic Play
- Conflict Resolution (Bringing the Adult World Down to Size)
- Verbal Skills and Language Development
- Cooperation
- Individual Expression and Creativity
- Making Choices and Plans
- Understanding and Expressing Feelings
Games, Puzzles, and Table Toys
- Perseverance and Self-Control
- Math Skills: Sequencing, Classifying, Estimating, Counting, Comparing, Sorting, Patterns and Shapes
- Visual Discrimination Skills
- Hand-Eye Coordination
- Fine Motor Skills
- Tactile Discrimination
- Distance and Directionality
- Fine Motor Skills
- Creative Representation
- Color, Shape, and Size Relationships
- Individual Expression
- Understanding Symbols
- Bringing Ideas to Life
- Eye Hand Coordination
- Language Development
- Observation and Discovery
- Learning and Testing New Concepts
- Drawing Conclusions and Making Predictions
- Understanding Change and the Natural World
- Cause and Effect
- Identifying Living and Non-living Things
Sand and Water Table
- Sensory Exploration and Discovery
- Measurement
- Problem Solving Skills
- Cause and Effect
- Properties of Matter
- Conservation of Matter
Library and Listening Center
- Language Development
- Comprehension
- Sequencing and Story Telling
- Pre-Reading Skills
- Concepts About Print
- Reading for Enjoyment
- Hailey Elementary
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Emily Brown
- Amy Jonas