Wood River Middle School
Student Clubs
How do you start a club?
- Fill out this WRMS Club Application Packet
- Obtain an IN SCHOOL Advisor approved by Admin (Advisor Responsibilities)
- Get this packet approved by the Administration and Student Council Club Commissioners (Leadership Class)
General Club Information
Advisors: Each club or organization MUST have an advisor who is familiar with the established procedures for working with Wood River Middle School Leadership.
Student Council: The Student Council creates a system of communication between each club. It is responsible for informing clubs on activities, such as parades and assemblies.
Student Responsibilities: Club programs are established by and for students.
Students should:
- Conduct their own meeting with the advisor present.
- Plan their yearly program which is coordinated with the master calendar
- Establish a budget under the guidelines set by the school financial officer.
- Make arrangements for their own functions coordinated with a master calendar
- Use the club advisor as a resource
- Conduct their own meeting with the advisor present.
Procedures: Guidelines for individuals interested in starting a new club:
- Meeting with an individual in charge of clubs to discuss standard procedures and pick up an application for club charter.
- Finding an advisor
- Setting a date for an initial meeting with the advisor and interested members
- Publicizing the first meeting date.
- Setting up a committee to write a club constitution.
- Scheduling a meeting for ratification of the constitution and election of officers once the constitution and required forms are completed.
- Submitting all completed forms to the individual in charge of clubs for consideration and approval. ckoch@blaineschools.org
- Receiving an official charter and the school’s club handbook or other information upon the club’s approval.
- Clubs that do not adhere to established guidelines lose rights and privileges.
- Meeting with an individual in charge of clubs to discuss standard procedures and pick up an application for club charter.
- If the new club is going to hold fundraisers, the fundraising policy (in WRMS Staff Folder) needs to be followed.
- An account will need to be set up in the finance department prior to final administrative approval.
What’s New/WRMS Website Club Page
- Each club will have an Individual Club Page on the WRMS Website. The club's teacher advisor will be the owner of that page. You may personalize and update the information, but personalizing is not required.
- Update your information with the Wood River Student Council Google Folder (Please talk to the Student Council Club Commissioners before posting or putting up anything!)
- Posters must be approved by the Leadership Class
- Put up and taken down in a timely fashion
- Fill out this WRMS Club Application Packet