• Best Practices of School Board Trustees


    1. Values and Ethical Behavior

    To be effective, an individual school trustee:

    1. Places students’ needs first.
    2. Demonstrates commitment to equity and high standards of achievement for each student.
    3. Commits to treating each individual with dignity and respect.
    4. Models high ethical standards.
    5. Advocates for public education.

    2. Leadership

    To be effective, an individual school trustee:

    1. Contributes to thoughtful governance discussions and decisions by being well informed, open-minded and deliberative.
    2. Understands that authority rests with the board as a whole and not with individual trustees.
    3. Is able to articulate and model appropriate school trustee roles and responsibilities.
    4. Actively participates in school trustee duties and responsibilities.
    5. Demonstrates group membership and leadership skills, working within the board structure.
    6. Respects the board’s role in policy making and supports all adopted board policies.

    3. Communication

    To be effective, an individual school trustee:

    1. Builds and maintains positive connections with the community and staff.
    2. Communicates accurately and honestly, with awareness of the impact of his/her words and actions.
    3. Listens carefully and with an open mind.
    4. Maintains civility and treats all people with respect.
    5. Maintains confidentiality of appropriate matters.
    6. Refers and guides people with concerns to appropriate staff.
    7. Welcomes parent, student and community input.

    4. Professional Development

    To be effective, an individual school trustee:

    1. Commits the time and energy necessary to be informed and competent.
    2. Keeps abreast of current issues, research, applicable laws, regulations, and policies that affect public education.
    3. Participates in professional development, individually and with the board/superintendent team.

    5. Accountability

    To be effective, an individual school trustee:

    1. Is accountable to the community, staff, and fellow Board Trustees.
    2. Takes personal responsibility for his/her own words and actions.
    3. Respects and abides by board decisions.
    4. Meets expectations for transparency, including disclosing potential conflicts of interest and refraining from discussing or voting on those issues.
    5. Complies with board policies/procedures and the law.


    Each Blaine County School Board Trustee has read the above Practices, understands and embraces the same and pledges that they will observe each Practice to the full extent of their ability. They also understand that by voting “Aye” to approve this document in the Annual Board Meeting, they do not surrender their right and responsibility to voice their opinions and cast any vote they may be called upon to make according to the dictates of their individual judgment and conscience.

    Practices courtesy of the Washington State School Directors’ Association.


    You can view the approved Policy 218 here