Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Sant
Drawing a wild idea on a napkin at a restaurant? That's Tyler. Acting like a goofball? Yeah, you bet that's Tyler. Suddenly staring at how a shadow breaks at the corner of a room? Oh yeah, that's him. An amazing sense of fashion? Not quite Tyler, but with his wife Blaire's help he's working on it.
Tyler believes everyone is a maker that has something special to offer in how they experience the world around them. He wants the students who come out of his classroom to be comfortable taking risks and to ultimately learn that grit is so much more valuable than talent ever could be. He hopes to challenge their perceptions of what makes an artwork more or less successful, to encourage them to try new things with enthusiasm, and learn how to communicate their ideas using a variety of techniques with what they have around them.
On paper, Tyler graduated from Western Washington University earning an Art degree concentrating in ceramics and bronze casting with a minor in Art History. He has taught art-making in many different fashions with all sorts of folks. Instructing private classes for adults, high school students as a 9-12 art teacher, and now jumping in with the wonderful students of Alturas Elementary.
He looks forward to seeing you on the bike path, walking the trails, fishing the river, or having fun in the classroom!
On paper, Tyler graduated from Western Washington University earning an Art degree concentrating in ceramics and bronze casting with a minor in Art History. He has taught art-making in many different fashions with all sorts of folks. Instructing private classes for adults, high school students as a 9-12 art teacher, and now jumping in with the wonderful students of Alturas Elementary.
He looks forward to seeing you on the bike path, walking the trails, fishing the river, or having fun in the classroom!
So rip off the eraser of your pencil and let's make something with some oomph!