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Recognizing Excellence: Ian Blacker
The BCSD Board of Trustees is thrilled to recognize Ian Blacker, who teaches residential construction at Wood River High School!
The following accolade was submitted by WRHS Principal Julia Grafft:
Ian Blacker joined the Wood River High School staff in August 2021 after the retirement of Greg Urbany. Any fears of him filling Greg’s big shoes soon dissipated as Ian took on the program and settled into his new role.
Ian quietly supports everyone. He does not hesitate in supporting the school and/or staff and will willingly take on projects that help the school as a whole. For example, without any hesitation, he had his class build a stage for our Commons so that students could perform at lunch. He has gone out of his way to support students, even those not necessarily in his classes, with their personal projects.
A colleague recently emailed him to thank him for going “above and beyond…in helping [the students] get past hurdles to find success with their projects, their academics, and realizing they can accomplish more than they thought possible.” His WIN periods are always full of students excited about the projects they have voluntarily selected to work on. Ian generously provides the materials and needed instruction to students to help them accomplish whatever their goal is.
No matter what I ask or what students request, Ian truly does go above and beyond to help and does so with incredible kindness and patience. Ian also engages students in projects that support the community. This year, his students have built storage for the local temporary housing shelter, as well as Gear Trees for the Hailey Police Department to hold officer’s gear.
His professionalism is also a standout. Ian is constantly thinking about ways to improve or adjust his offerings to best meet the needs of our students. He added a new cabinetry class, and it filled up this year. He is actively working on ways to increase student program numbers.
Ian is an incredible asset to Blaine County School District. His example to students and peers and impact on the school and local community is inspiring.