- Ernest Hemingway STEAM School
- How P.E. is graded
The short version...
Physical Education Effort Grade Ruberic
- Focused and engaged
- Listens and follows directions
- Follows the rules
- Respects people and property
- Cooperates with others
- Is prepared for class with appropriate shoes and water!
E / 5 = No reminders
S+ / 4 = Very few reminders
S / 3 = Few reminders
S- / 2 = Needs reminders
N / 1 = Needs frequent reminders
U / 0 = Constant reminders
I explain the ruberic to kids like this... We all start with 3 points in PE each day. If you only need 1 or 2 reminders and you follow the 4 rules in PE you will earn another point. If you don't need any reminders and are super kind, safe and helpful you will end class with 5 points. If you need reminders (more than 2) or you forget the rules more than once you will lose a point. If you continue to forget the rules or need frequent reminders you will lose another point and end with 1 point. If you do something drastic to break the rules after many reminders you will lose all of your points for the day.
The long version...
Hemingway Elementary Special’s Report Card Rubric
Excellent (5) (no reminders at all)
This student with no reminders at all, consistently and independently:- focuses and engages in the class activity
- listens to and follows instructional directions the first time given, asks for help when needed and volunteers to answer questions
- follows class rules and helps others to do so
- respects people and school property, exceptional level of responsibility
- cooperates or works with others to accomplish lesson goals, offers help when needed to teacher and other students
Satisfactory Plus (4) (few or no reminders)
This student with very few reminders typically:- focuses and engages in the class activity
- listens to and follows instructional directions and asks for help when needed
- follows class rules
- respects people and school property
- cooperates or works with others to accomplish lesson goals
Satisfactory (3) (few reminders)
This student with few reminders adequately:- focuses and engages in the class activity
- listens to and follows instructional directions and asks for help when needed
- follows class rules
- respects people and school property
- cooperates or works with others to accomplish lesson goals
Satisfactory Minus (2) (needs reminders)
This student needs reminders to:- focus and engage in the class activity
- listen to and follow instructional directions and ask for help when needed
- follow class rules
- respect people and school property
- cooperate or work with others to accomplish lesson goals
Needs Improvement (1) (needs frequent reminders)
This student needs many reminders and seldom:- focuses and engages in the class activity
- listens to and follows instructional directions and asks for help when needed
- follows class rules
- respects people and school property
- cooperates or works with others to accomplish lesson goals
Unsatisfactory (0) (constant reminders)
This student needs constant reminders and very seldom:- focuses and engages in the class activity
- listens to and follows instructional directions and asks for help when needed
- follows class rules
- respects people and school property
- cooperates or works with others to accomplish lesson goals
- E = no reminders, independent exceptional responsibility and effort
- S+ = no reminders, adequate responsibility and effort
- S = few reminders, adequate responsibility and effort
- S- = needs reminders to be on task, to focus, and to follow instructions and rules
- N = needs many reminders to be on task, to focus, and to follow instructions and rules
- U = needs constant reminders to be on task, to focus, and to follow instructions and rules
This rubric was adapted from Louisa May Alcott Elementary Music Report Card Rubric.