• Climbing the ropes is a favorite activity for kids from Kindergarten to 5th grade!  This year, students will sign a poster marking their accomplishment on the ropes.  Kids also love to swing on the ropes like Tarzan!  We have had a great week climbing, swinging, jumping, spinning and balancing!  This year we practiced balance, counterbalance and countertension.  Students also had the opportunity to try out some group balances!  Check out the slideshow.

  • The school year is underway and we have been having a blast in PE!  Students of all ages have been learning and practicing the Husky Habits in the gym!  Gratitude, Respect, Perseverance and Safety are at the forefront of all we do here at Hemingway! 

    We started the school year learning the expectations in the gym and working on respect, teamwork and sportsmanship!  The Husky's new favorite warm up game is "Skittles". Ask your child about this cardio pumping game!  We have also been targeting tossing, throwing and catching standards with games like Flip the Hoop, Partner Collect the Treasure and Team Collect the Treasure! 

    K-2 are going to have fun with Fire Safety activities and then we'll move on to Halloween games and activities! 

    3-5 will play invasion games and then move on to Halloween games and activities.  

    Always feel free to reach out if you would like more information about the skills we are working on in PE!

  • Many Thanks to the Hemingway Parents Auxiliary for the new shoes!  Now, if your kids forget their shoes, we have sizes 11-5 for kids to borrow!

    New shoes

2024 is here!