To have the opportunity to earn credit at your chosen college from dual credit coursework taken in high school, you must order an official transcript from the college you took your course from. Your high school transcript will not do! WRHS cannot send college transcripts for students.

  • National Student Clearinghouse Status

    Order transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse

    All WRHS DC courses were taken with the College of Southern Idaho (CSI) with one exception:

    *Chemistry taken before the 23/24 school year was taken with CWI.


  • To request your transcript, you will need:

    1. Your full given name
    2. Your college ID number
    3. Credit card (it will cost $7 to order a transcript)
    • How to find your college ID number:

      1. Your college ID can be found in your Dual Enroll account. To find it:
        • Go here to log into your CSI Dual Enroll account **
      2. Once logged in, select "Profile" at the top, then select "Academics" on the right. 
        • The ID will be shown at the top on the "Academics" page.

      **For students that took Chemistry before 23/24 school year - go here to log into your CWI Dual Enroll account. Log-in credentials are the same for both sites.


      You can always contact the college directly, letting them know you're a dual credit student in search of your college ID number.


    Want to know if your college will “take” your dual credit courses, will these credits transfer? Visit your future college’s course equivalency page. Still can’t find it? Check with your school’s Office of the Registrar for more information.